Learn — Aromatherapy
The King of Essential Oils: Frankincense
Aromatherapy Diffuser diffuser bracelet diffuser necklace essential oil essential oil bracelet essential oil diffuser bracelet essential oil diffuser necklace essential oil jewelry essential oil necklace frankincense Frankincense oil Holistic Medicine yoga jewelry
Stephanie de la Cruz

Presented by: Leboha (Essential Oil Jewelry) - liveleboha.com
Written by: Anna Field RN-BC, BSN, RD
With the advent of western medicine and the ever widening reach of the pharmaceutical industry, essential oils are...
Lavender Aromatherapy Holistic Effects
Aromatherapy Diffuser diffuser bracelet diffuser necklace essential oil essential oil bracelet essential oil diffuser bracelet essential oil diffuser necklace essential oil jewelry essential oil necklace Holistic Medicine Lavender lavender essential oil Lavender Oil yoga jewelry
Kendall Staggs

Presented by: Leboha (Essential Oil Jewelry) - liveleboha.com
Written by: Aubrey Meister
Lavender is known to smell beautiful. People often enjoy the appearance of lavender as well. In addition to these traits...
Awakening to the Aroma of Rosemary
Aromatherapy Diffuser diffuser bracelet diffuser necklace essential oil essential oil bracelet essential oil diffuser bracelet essential oil diffuser necklace essential oil jewelry essential oil necklace Holistic Medicine rosemary rosemary essential oil rosemary oil yoga jewelry
Kendall Staggs

Presented by: Leboha (Essential Oil Jewelry) - liveleboha.com
Written by: Kathy Sadowski, MS in Aromatherapy, RA (ARC)...
Why we use essential oils ...
Aromatherapy aromatherapy for kids Diffuser diffuser bracelet diffuser necklace essential oil essential oil bracelet essential oil diffuser bracelet essential oil diffuser necklace essential oil jewelry essential oil necklace essential oil recipe Holistic Medicine kid kid friendly yoga jewelry
Dan Gomez

Presented by: Leboha (Essential Oil Jewelry) - liveleboha.com
Why we use essential oils and why we started an essential oil bracelet company...