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Mommy and Me: fight off illnesses and anxiety
activities for kids Aromatherapy aromatherapy for kids Diffuser diffuser bracelet essential oil essential oil bracelet essential oil diffuser bracelet essential oil jewelry essential oil recipe eucalyptus eucalyptus essential oil Eucalyptus oil family family goals Holistic Medicine immunity booster immunity boosting essential oil recipe kid kid friendly Lava Rock leboha Mom Pregnancy Pregnant quarantine quarantine life Stephanie de la Cruz yoga yoga jewelry
Stephanie de la Cruz

Mommy and Me: fight off illnesses and anxiety Presented by: Leboha (Essential Oil Jewelry) - liveleboha.com Written by: Stephanie de la Cruz While we all stay safe and healthy during shelter in place, use eucalyptus essential oil and your LEBOHA essential oil diffuser bracelets to fight off illnesses and anxiety. Eucalyptus essential oil is an antiviral and antibacterial oil. It has been know to help fight off many illnesses including colds, respiratory infections, throat infections, bronchitis, the flu and more. We have styles for the whole family. You and your mini me should try the Unicorn style. We have them in...
FREEBIE: Thank You Signs (print from home)
activities for kids Aromatherapy Diffuser diffuser bracelet diffuser necklace essential oil essential oil bracelet essential oil diffuser bracelet essential oil diffuser necklace essential oil jewelry essential oil necklace essential oil recipe family family goals FREE FREEBIE Holistic Medicine immunity booster immunity boosting essential oil recipe Mom printable quarantine quarantine life Stephanie de la Cruz Thank You Thank You Card Thank You Sign yoga yoga jewelry
Stephanie de la Cruz

FREEBIE: Thank You Sign Presented by: Leboha (Essential Oil Jewelry) - liveleboha.com By: Stephanie de la Cruz As we continue to stay healthy at home while the world works together to flatten the curve of this deadly COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that we remember a few things. We must show our gratitude to those who are helping us. We must continue following best practices like: Staying home to help stop the spread. Practice social distancing. Washing our hands often for 20 seconds using soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth. Cover our noses and mouth...
Lava Rock Jewelry as Diffusers
Aromatherapy aromatherapy for kids Diffuser diffuser bracelet diffuser necklace essential oil essential oil bracelet essential oil diffuser bracelet essential oil diffuser necklace essential oil jewelry essential oil necklace Holistic Medicine kid kid friendly Lava Rock mala beads meditation meditation tool yoga yoga jewelry
Stephanie de la Cruz

Presented by: Leboha (Essential Oil Jewelry) - liveleboha.com
Written by: Aubrey Meister
Essential oils are very versatile and offer so many different benefits. They can help with...